Monkey Puzzle Sidcup is proud to have achieved a number of awards and statuses that reflect the quality in care, provisions and facilities that we offer.

Monkey Puzzle Sidcup have achieved the Fair Trade FairAware Award. Children have been finding out about Fair Trade, the symbol and which products we use at nursery and at home that have the Fair Trade symbol on them.
Children have taken part in a project about Fair Trade bananas too. Children have also learnt that buying Fair Trade means that the farmers will receive more money for themselves and their families.
Click below to view our certificate.

We are delighted that we have been awarded the Education for Sustainable Citizenship Bronze Award.
Children, staff and parents at Monkey Puzzle Sidcup can now claim to be sustainable citizens after being the first to achieve bronze accreditation in a scheme launched last year.
We were featured in Nursery World for our achievement, you can read more here.
Click below to view our congratulations letter and our certificate.

Monkey Puzzle Sidcup has been successful in gaining the gold standard award in Paediatric First Aid, a new quality Mark. The Millie’s Mark Award is endorsed by National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) in collaboration with Department for Education and Millie’s Trust.
Millie’s Mark is named after Millie Thompson, a 9 month old girl who tragically died in 2012 whilst at nursey due to choking. Her parents since campaigned for all nursery staff to be paediatric first aid trained.
We have worked strategically to ensure that all of staff are not only trained but are providing us information on their confidence in various areas of paediatric first aid. We then support the areas staff need more confidence in through staff training and fortnightly case studies and quizzes. We have been able to provide exemplary training through improving our own qualification in this area. Davinder as one of the owners has not only gained a Level 3 in Paediatric First Aid but has completed her own train the train qualification. This together with her qualified teachers’ status and BSc (Hons) has enabled her to continually support staff to demonstrate efficiency in these crucial skills.

Monkey Puzzle Sidcup is a member of the NDNA (National Day Nurseries Association). The NDNA is a charity that believes in quality and sustainability, so they put our members’ businesses at the very heart of ours. They enhance, support, nurture, cherish and challenge. Their innovative thinking gives members the edge, an advantage that makes our nursery the best it can be.
They aim for all children and families to flourish through high quality early childhood education and care by leading and empowering the sector so that nurseries and the early years workforce deliver sustainable, high quality early childhood education and care.

The RHS Campaign for School Gardening inspires and supports schools and nurseries to provide children with gardening opportunities to enhance their skills and boost their development.
Their work with members has shown that the direct benefits of gardening for children are wide-ranging:
- Improves physical and mental well-being
- Builds life skills such as confidence, teamwork and communication
- Enhances literacy, numeracy and oracy skills
- Enriches the entire curriculum from science, maths and geography, to art, design and languages
- Encourages a better and healthier lifestyle
- Teaches about the environment and sustainability
- Helps young people engage with their surroundings better and develop a sense of responsibility
Businesses we collaborate with

We are now using Lily’s Bouncing Castles for events and celebration days, if you would like to visit there website click here.

We are proudly associated with Sidcup Leisure Center who gives us a corporate discount for staff and families of our nursery. For more information on the Leisure Center then click here.